
mvm_koth_nucleus B2

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mvm_koth_nucleus B2

MVM version of koth_nucleus

I have returned with another conversion! A pretty average one this time, mvm_koth_nucleus, with a big focus on closed spaces and a big pit to throw robots into!

Due to nav mesh shenanigans, the hatch has been moved from the central point into the middle closed battlements area. This makes both robot spawns uncomfortably close to the hatch, and you will have to make sure you have at least one player in your team capable of pushing bomb carriers back at any chance. Also, tanks will move towards the middle instead of into the hatch.

As always, this map is compatible with tanks, snipers, engies, and anything you can throw at it.
First release
Last update
Mann Vs. Machine

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  1. Beta 2

    Changelog: - Improved the BSP file with a better compile. - Fixed missing Upgrade Station sign.