More Modular Tracks

More Modular Tracks v5

  • Fix 32hu track's skip brush being 18hu tall
I'm really bad at making this kind of stuff, sorry for the update spam anyone who has notifications for this
  • Added mirrored version of the Y-Joint S-Curve (because i forgot)
  • Removed some unnecessary hammer++ data from the 32hu track vmf, to save a very very very tiny amount of file size (idk why this bugs me so much)
  • fix 32hu track having the skip brush be too high and also inverted (no clue how i did that)
  • Fixed prefab origins, now every single one will put the start of the model right where you click.
  • Disabled shadows on all models except the Cap Point prefab (it is a dynamic prop so it doesn't cast lightmap shadows
  • Also re-enabled collisions on the Cap Point model, since that is standard across most maps, and unless you're willing to do some extra work to add some blockbullets brushes, you can easily hide stickies inside of this model if its disabled