Sunlit Valley

Sunlit Valley A11

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Sunlit Valley A11

Fight for an ancient mountain full of gold!

Blu found out that Red has a secret stock of piles of gold hidden in a mountain, so naturally, Blu heads out to take over the mountain. Now the ancient mountains have turned into a bloody war grounds.

Thanks to:
Boojums Snarks pack for the game mechanics,
the Japan Content pack for the custom textures and props,
and the Dusk till Dawn skybox pack for the skybox (specifically this one: made by Void)
First release
Last update
Capture Points

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Latest updates

  1. I-forgot-what-I-did stuff

    A actually made all the changes a month or two before, and then decided today to finally pack it and post an update for it... uh, so I forgot what changes I made with it... Made a platform over the water next to point A changed the name of the...
  2. Point-B stuff

    Made changes to point B Added a safety cover on the upper route to point B changed the ground under the water at point A so its a displacement Changed the route from point A to point B (the one with the one way door) so its entrance is in the...
  3. Light stuff

    Changed the environment lighting so its a little brighter Changed the right route at point B so its a smooth path instead of you having to jump across it Changed the bamboo props collision so they aren't as annoying when you walk into them I...