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Monkeynaut a7c

-Hopefully fixed the lift killing people when it isn't meant to
-Fixed the lift not going down if the rocket door started to open
-Added a death pit near the point
-Replaced a door with a lift, now stop bugging me about it Muddy.
-Increased time to capture to ~32 seconds (From ~22 seconds)
-Added a platform to allow players to reach the fully open lift
-Made the sunlight slightly less yellow
-Made the placeholder ground slightly darker
-Replaces some of the fence outside of mid spawn with an opaque brush
-Prevented players from falling into the rocket silo until the game is won
-Moved the resupplys near the australium spawn exit
-Rework the australium room again, now it is a cave
-Altered the size of some health packs
-Remove the route from spawn to the australium room

-Still no monkeys or displacements
-Fixed missing signs in Blu spawn (I swear they just deleted themselves)
-Added australium reset to the deathpit behind the rocket
-The rocket launch is now at midday, making it easier to see your enemies
-Made glass more opaque
-Made the floor white
-Shrunk the HP kits in the australium room and behind the fence near the point
-Removed around half of the control panels in the australium room, should open it up a bit while keeping it in theme

-Still no monkeys, astronauts or a combination of the two
-Added windows to the center building to overlook the capture zone
-Added a skill jump route from the tunnel entrances to the top of the tunnel
-Added brushes to block some evil sight lines, rather than spamming fences
-Redesigned the australium room, now has a mission control vibe.
-Made the australium room exits more obvious with lights
-Changed door triggers to OnEndTouchAll
-Clipped some props
-Fixed Red's door to the australium because I was inept
-The middle windows in the tunnel near mid are now solid
-Removed deathpit outside midspawn
-Still no displacements, I'll get round to it later, I promise

-Still no monkeys, astronauts or any combinations of the two
Thanks to being provided with the demo of the gameday, I could see exactly what was wrong with the cap door and I hopefully fixed it.
Lowered the capture area, now it is lower down than the surrounding area. Hopefully this makes it harder to endlessly defend it
Response to US gameday feedback

-Increased the distance between spawns by around 1024 units, scattered height variation around the new space (will be converted to displacements later when I figure out how to displacement like a decent mapper)
-Added a 4th spawn exit above the sliding doors leading to the australium room, currently has disgusting sight lines to the capture area. Also highest ground on map
-Made the door triggers larger, hopefully that should solve problems
-Changed high ground health pack to small
-Changed the low ground health packs outside midspawn to medium
-Made the capture area smaller
-Removed the red spawn point in the middle of the map that I missed because I'm blind
-Removed the low ground small ammo packs outside midspawn
-Will focus on making the cap area harder to cap in next update
-Still no monkeys, astronauts or combinations of the two