Mochville Event

Mochville Event A2

  • Lighting overall is much brighter. It's likely somewhat too bright currently, but for the sake of testing that's fine.
  • The ghost is now much larger to better show his importance. He also has the capture hologram on him to help show his purpose (this would be replaced with a more befitting modified model later).
  • Capture icon now says "ghost" to make it clear you are capturing the dude.
  • A marker sprite displays in the world where the ghost is currently, as a fallback for players with outlines turned off (option sucks but we do what we gotta do...)
  • The ghost now moves a little more interestingly; instead of one big path he has 7 small ones, and will randomly teleport between them. There will be a particle & sfx later.
  • Front-facing spawn entrance is no longer a dropdown.
  • Extended the metal wall on the basement bridge higher so you cannot build there. This was not an issue in arena, but here it is problematic.
  • Capturing the ghost now takes 2s~ instead of 1s~