Mann Corp.

Mann Corp. a5

- widened the platform over YA spawn
- some more decoration
- removed the connector between mega and RA spawn
- added corridors above mega and next to rail that lead to teleporters to each other
- moved rail to where lower YA used to be
- removed the jump pad
- moved lower YA to where the jump pad used to be
- replaced the lower stairs to RA with a window that can be shot through but not walked through and a teleporter that takes the player to the old tommy spawn
- swapped tommy and upper rockets
- moved upper YA to where old lg was
- moved lg to be against the far wall in mega room
- moved the 4 pills from the upper part of the mega/rail connector to next to the lg spawn
- added a small ammo pack next to the upper YA spawn
- some minor detailing shit
- made the ledge above the jump pad wider
- added a jump pad near rail
- made armour work fully
- added some hint brushes
- added some clip brushes
- added areaportals and hint brushes
- added a pole to the mega room to make gameplay more interesting
- increased space in the boiler room