
Lavatech rc2

Fixed monorail sound being heard everywhere
Fixed missing custom soundscape in the monorail room
Fixed a prop that disappeared visibly
Fixed skybox turning into nodraw at specific view angles (This was caused by sky_camera being too close to the edge of the box)

Timer now causes stalemate. May remove timer in the future.
Added soundscapes
Added better clipping
Added particle effects
Fixed lighting issues
+HDR Cubemap
Removed invisible wall
Fixed window
improved lighting
something else
Purged Mid
Improved optimization
Changed turbine sounds
Minor Optimization and detail changes
Slightly moved the dropdown

I am still willing to make big changes to the layout but there are some minor bugs to fix.
Found this vmf so I polished a little.
Name changed from volcanite to lavatech
changed physic model of vault doors
Reduced timer to 7 minutes
Added a system to prevent stalemate when one team has higher cap count.