
koth_gorgbase_a1a a1a

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koth_gorgbase_a1a a1a

A simple KOTH map with 2 bases, and a hut in-between.

GorgBase is a simple KOTH map with 2 bases, and a hut in-between. The control point is located in the hut in the center. A sewer running from the spawn room to the control point is located on both sides of the map, acting as a flank rout, but no health or ammo packs can make it risky. The map takes place in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by two stacks of rocks and fencing. Any feedback about the map will be very much appreciated. :)
Team Fortress 2 7_1_2019 7_07_56 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 7_1_2019 7_08_51 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 7_1_2019 7_09_09 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 7_1_2019 7_09_23 PM.png
Team Fortress 2 7_1_2019 7_09_50 PM.png
BTW this is my first map I am putting on this site.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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  1. koth_gorgbase_a1a name fix

    Me trying again because it didn't work the first 2 times.
  2. The actual fix

    Read the last update description.
  3. Fixed file name

    Fixed the file name so the bot will accept it.