Freeze Tag Prefab

Freeze Tag Prefab V5

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Freeze Tag Prefab V5

The logic used for Tundra and the Freeze Tag gamemode

This is the prefab I made when remaking the Freeze Tag gamemode into TF2. It is based around the Arena gamemode. Enjoy using it for your projects.


- USE THE SPAWNPOINTS IN THE PREFAB, BUT NOT THE ONES IN THE BOX (the ones between the point_template and ambient_generic), or rename your spawnpoints to "default_spawnpoints" (without the quotes). If you use the ones in the logic, it'll break everything.
- USE THE CONTROL POINT IN THE PREFAB, as it has a filter to prevent frozen players from capping
- Take the box with all the logic (the tiny one you can see in the screenshot, with a nodraw exterior) in it and paste it into your map
- Take the triggers around the test map (the big box with the control point and the dividing wall) and put all of them around your entire map (use :vertexmanip:, remember to center their origins afterward to prevent leaks)
- You're done!

- Modify the delay in the OnTrigger output of the unfreeze_relay_red/blu entity to change the amount of time needed to unfreeze someone (yes, you could make unfreezing faster for one team if you wish)
- The tf_arena_logic can be modified however you want, except tampering with its outputs

  • The triggers have missing textures!
    • I'm using sonoma's custom trigger textures to help me organize my logic. You can simply select all of them and apply the regular trigger texture to them
  • I tried the gamemode out and when I die I end up back at spawn!
    • If it happens consistently, then you didn't rename your spawnpoints to "default_spawnpoints". This targetname is used to disable them once setup ends. If it happens only sometimes, this is because the spawnpoints that get instantiated are 16 Hu above you, which may lead them to become stuck in a ceiling. There is no real way of preventing that I know of for now
  • Frozen players can cap points/block captures!
    • You did not use the capture point included in the prefab. You can reproduce it by adding filter_not_frozen to the filter of the trigger_capture_area.
  • Players change colors but are not frozen in place!
    • You forgot to place the triggers around the map. Copy them from the logic and make sure all the areas that players could reach are covered by them
  • Players spawn at the world origin!
    • You most likely used the spawnpoints in the logic as the actual spawnpoints. Delete the logic and redo the installation steps carefully
  • What's "32 Instances Logic"?
    • An old try at making this gamemode work. Ignore it
  • There are ambient_generics instantiated with the spawnpoints, but they don't do any sound, why not?
    • Your guess is as good as mine on this one. I keep them around to remind me to fix them eventually
  • When I die I get the spook sound!
    • Use a soundscript. I'll most likely include one with the vmf at some point in the future to either remove this sound, or replace it with the Spycicle freezing sound
  • I got another issue!
    • Verify you've followed the instructions carefully. If it's the case and you still got the issue, send it in the discussion and I'll try to look into it
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Latest updates

  1. More fixes and readability

    Fixed frozen player suicides causing miscount Fixed frozen players being targeted by sentries Fixed frozen players being able to be healed Fixed gibs appearing Reduced the tint effect on frozen players Added a particle effect to frozen players to...
  2. Small fixes

    Added a text to introduce the gamemode Possibly fixed an issue with unfreezing
  3. Several Improvements

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