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Darcy A3a

A small map, based on a "gravel train station"

My first map to be posted, not the first map I made, but still, it's my first good one.

This map is based on a station where the Blue and Red teams sell gravel and the like.

This map uses The Construction Pack.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Alpha 3: Fullbright should be gone

    Darcy's Alpha 3 version. NOTE: i've compiled with -ldr and -hdr, nothing special, but now you'll se the lights. A lot has changed since version A2, after a lot of feedback on how much snipers could kill you on the other side of the map, I had...
  2. Alpha 2: The Mid Update

    Darcy's Alpha 2 version. - The orientation of the sun has changed. - Lights are now more "realistic" - Changed the Skybox texture. - Stairs added to "train shortcuts" to facilitate navigation. - Added light on them too. - Moved the ammo pack and...
  3. now you can download it :)

    Alpha 1. And that's all you need to know