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CP_Trinity finished

Underneath an innocuous barn lies a dark conspiracy...

This is the final dev version of Trinity (unless I get feedback on the layout...), soon I will move onto the detailing phase.
Edit: Recompiled with CompilePal so hopefully it won't be a sore on the TF2maps server...

Da Living Bagel
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. Finished detailing and adding minor gameplay changes.

    There's nothing left to do, except maybe work on a Halloween version.
  2. Tweaked for feedback

    Thanks to everyone on the TF2maps server for providing feedback. I've made the appropriate changes as well as added spectator cameras for this version.
  3. Trinity- Detailing

    To do: Add color to lights Fix minor clipping issues Make Skybox look more believable Detail Underground Optimize