
cp_riverlike a6butWithRepackForFun (;

-repack just for testing (;
-put reds spawn a little back
-made a house a litlle smaller
-made slopes
-other minor stuff (like lighting)
-fixed blu spawn
i dont have enoth time to write the changes sinse im uploading this for an imp
-changed b more
-added a skybox
-fixed skyboxes to not be a cube
-added water (;
so i made another update becuse something?
-changed last a bunch (and reamoved that sightline every one hates the map for)
made arrows for red
-fixed reds doors
-added fences on the brige
- reamoved a room on top of the house in midlle
-added coover to first point
-scraped the old secound point and made a new one
-fixes of small things noone cares about