
Multi Stage cp_ambush 2023-05-06

- Fixed download link
- Fixed the download link pointing to wrong file.
One more update for now. RC3:

- Improved RED first spawn visual look a bit
- Fixed some lights not having the "beam" effect
- Fixed 3 non-solid barrels to solid
- Fixed more props fading too soon
- Fixed one see-throug seeable wall
- Miscellaneous small fixes
On a roll now so why not, RC2:

- Fixed crack in displacement cliffs on stage3
- Fixed few texture errors in stage3 brushwork
- Fixed few overlays overlapping eachothers in stage3
- Fixed lamp not emitting correct beam effect in stag3
- Fixed one more possible exploit in stage2 where you could get outside of the map in stage2
- Further improvement on clipping and playability through it
- Further optimizations to framerates in some parts of the map
- Improved bots navigation throughout the map
- Nodrawed some remaining brush faces
- Continued detail pass, about done now
Been sick but whenever i could have, worked on this more. Thanks to
MegapiemanPHD for giving out feedback on this. You pointed out some things i hadnt noticed or considered.


- Closed a route from side to A stair house in stage3
- Made new route from planks to A, next to cliffside at the closed door in stage3
- Fixed clipping issues near last cp, players being able to stand up high at the windows
- Fixed problem where players were able to throw flying guillotine through the same windows
- Improved clipping all over the three stages
- Added some more lighting to each spawnroom and A-B area in stage3
- Improved lighting on some other areas of the map
- Added loading screen images into the map
- Fixed grass coming through the wall in stage1
- Fixed a possible exploit where you could have build through a corner outside of a map in stage1
- Fixed hovering doors in stage2
- Fixed hovering rocks in stage3
- Fixed hovering sign in stage3
- Fixed stairs in stage2 and stage1 from being shoot troughable even when supposed not to
- Fixed chimney model coming through ceiling in stage3
- Fixed some props being totally black to normal
- Continued detail pass in stage1, stage2 and stage3. Nearly there!
- Lots of other fine tunings and changes that i cannot remember to list here!
- Changed location of doorway near A area on stage3 by 90 degrees, now players can navigate better
- Added more visual details in some parts of all stages
- Moved one of the RED resupply closets closer from the side in stage3
- Fixed tunnel trims from not being visually great and supporting
- Fixed odd shadows from some props in stage1, stage3
- Fixed crack in displacement in stage1
- Fixed more props fading too soon in all stages
- Added bomb explosion in the mine to the last CP, with visual effects upon last capture
- Improved clipping all over the three stages
- Miscellaneous fixes and tunings all over all stages
- Increased respawn times slightly for both teams in stage1 and stage2
- Added one-way door to the end of the stage1 right side tunnel area (seen from blu base)
- Fixed crack in displacement in stage3
- Fixed possible out of map exploit in stage3 (thanks Boonie!)
- Fixed tree stump not having any collision (thanks cringe!)
- Fixed being able to go through water surface and build underwater in stage2 (thanks BUTA & Moonly Days!)
- Fixed few texture errors (stage3)
- Fixed stairs near first blue spawn being non-solid (stage1)
- Fixed few props fading too early (stage3)
- Re-Aligned few misaligned textures (stage3)
- Improved lighting in stage3 "basement"
- Removed staircase from stage3 so that red cannot ambush blu so easily before last area
- Added soundscape to the welcoming camera point (stage1)
- Added some more details all over the map (encore on stage 1, 2 and 3.)
- Several miscellaneous fixes (fanfair)