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Commune a2

Fight on the frontlines against the robot menace!

Made for the TF2maps's Mapper's vs Machines Contest by UltimentM (http://steamcommunity.com/id/ultimentm/) and Gian (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096977497/).

The mercenaries and machines have engaged in an all-out war for a small island town. Its up to the mercs to stop the robot menace from taking it!

This map has one unique premise which is the main objective of the robots is to push a cart in order to capture areas, which then converts back to the standard MvM formula for the final point.

I apologize if this map is extremely crude, but due techincal problems, we weren't able to playtest this map or fine-tune any problems due to the fact we were limited to how much we could work on the map, so you might as well call this a last-ditch effort map :p
First release
Last update
Mann Vs. Machine

Latest reviews

Well, we tested this map and included it on the Allgood server. It is glitchy as hell, especially if a team doesn't take control of the bots and own them. If you don't, the pop files freeze into an endless loop of snipers, or a trapped invisible bot forcing a map change or server crash. Come by the Allgood server, if you iontend to make corrections or updates.