Canaveral [3CP]

Canaveral [3CP] RC5c

  • Removed some props that arent quite ready yet due to missing textures
  • Changed some skins on some doors to hopefully get packed this time
  • Reversed the stairway at last:
    • Right now this is a quick bandaid idea. A possible reason for players not using balcony was that they had to look backwards to do so before then going upstairs. Reversing the stairs so players now see the route on the side as they make their way into last.
    • Also means attackers might not use this route as accidentally either.
    • Still doesnt exactly help with defenders being boxed in as much, still looking into this
  • Size changes to last (some weird geo and 45 degree angles that made no sense)
  • Better clipping around the trusswork in last. Less sneaky heavy spots
  • Added a small clip into shed from last. This route can now be used by any class, not just jumpers. Was previously a one way drop/ high skill jump
  • Tonemapping adjustments, lower exposure in general. Sand shouldnt be as blinding.
  • Fixed a broken areaportal near red yard.
Beta 1 has come and gone. Seems the last 3 tests were just balanced weird, or adding detail changes things up a bit. Had a stalematey game.

Seems there is a bit of back and fowards between Mid and just before last, but once attackers hunker down in the staging area before last. it becomes a game of trench warefare. Attackers dont think there's an easy way to push in, whilst defenders don't see a way out.

Staging area

Problem could be that this area is very much a choke, and that there's no way to get around it. However, this is entirely intentional otherwise you get scouts running past to backcap. If I make the combat area too wide then it makes it harder to coordinate an attack on last....


Balcony saw little to no action.

The idea behind this area was for it to be high ground to make an attack from. I didnt see many attackers take this route though, seemingly they prefer to move into the glass room (right) or got blown apart from glass room. Its also quite out of the way and takes a long time to rotate through. If I make the route here somewhat shorter and more enticing it could see more action, though how to do this is still a question.


Possible rework 1

A bandaid idea could be to shift some stairs around. While the right side stairway is out of bounds originally, could be opened up. Attackers would see the right side as a potential path before glass room and be taking less damage from glass room. At the same time it gives defenders a path into room 04 and not a straight run into mid.

Downside of this is that attackers become a bit more split up and the combat line is a fair bit wider. Someone at the low ground entrance wont see people flanking them past right side into room04. Another downside is that this path isnt immediately obvious as a major route for defenders.


Painful doorways

2/4 of the main entrances are really painful to push out of. Lower right has sightlines and 360 degrees of spam, while lower left is too open and low down to be used well. Both can be sniped at from BLU's balcony as well.

I'm not sure how to help LR besides adding some more cover on the point to stop snipers a bit. Meanwhile LL is meant to be a bit flanky and sneaky but utterly fails at this for the lack of cover moving into the left side of the room. Again, maybe a computer bank here could help out to stop being spammed out from Blu balcony.

In terms of detailing, didnt get much beyond Sand too bright and Too early for detailing. Think I forgot to adjust tonemaps after a lighting change a little bit ago, and I got 3 good tests in a row before I started detailing so idk man.

Food for thought I guess. Onwards to Beta 2!
After over a year of alpha, Canaveral has finally hit Beta 1. Changes this update include:

  • Art pass of mostly everything
  • Some more assets
  • Gigantic size soz






  • Extended water push brush
  • Added some dirt in mid to help with clipping along the train
  • Bug fixes
  • Skybox adjustments to help with framerate
  • Temp blocked off some sightlines outside of the map to try and help framerate, or at least keep it playable until optimisation pass
  • Forgot to enable vis hints, re-enabled them.
  • Added textures to Y trusses
Still got more stuff to implement but want to see if there's any other major things to work out.

  • Fixed a skybox issue
  • De-polished the walls
Not much this update

  • Complete rework of health and ammo placement. Deleted all packs and replaced them where appropriate
  • Closed off old shed route some more to make it less likely for people to go there
  • Some lighting changes
  • Extended skybox range
  • Added tower (wip)
  • Added some props (wip)
  • Changes to sea foam
Changes to last

Some fixes

More particles

Will update in the morning.
  • Changed mid cap
    • Moved point to be more central
    • Changes to water and tower
Added third route from yard to pipes behind mid.
Big update that completely overhauls the layout and timing.


  • Route to mid is now 18s rather than 26s
    • To do this, yard and watchtower are gone. Instead, I've made a new semi-hybrid, combining the better aspects of yard and room 04
    • Aditionally, the high ground route into mid is now gone. You can either go main, or shed.
    • Shed has also been changed to make the drop down one way to stop players easily flanking to mid
  • The control room has been extended further to where yard used to be and moved up.
    • Complete remake of control room. The reason for this is that the old one was assuming most players would come from the front of the room, when in reality they came from the side. Rebuilt this after studying some 5cp lasts to facilitate pushing back out and back to mid. I'm not too sure on this room layout yet
    • Room 04 has also been flipped and combined with new yard
  • Mid has been changed a bit too. The high ground is far less powerful and expansive to stop splitting the central arena up as much, and to result in more team fights. I'm debating whether to move the central cap as its not quite in the main area, more of a side route but not sure how to go about this.
  • Aditionally, new area of high ground in mid with a one way drop down. Designed to be an interesting alt-route
  • Fowards spawns have been removed.
    • Now that the travel time isnt as severe, I removed fowards spawns.
    • Aditionally, backcapping mid would often result in previous defenders spawning behind the attackers. Would create chaos, and didnt really work for 3cp
  • Spawn times and cap times have been adjusted
    • Last cap has been increased from 10s to 12s to allow defenders to make their way back
    • Respawnwavetime has been changed to 7s, owning mid reduces this to 4s
  • New Water
    • Re-simmed and extended loop time
    • Added sea foam
    • Added mipmaps
    • Reduced filesize
  • Minor adjustments to soundscapes.
  • Moved the entirety of last back 512 units to make more room out front. Makes the transit from last to mid even longer than it was but fowards spawns negate this.
  • Reduced spawn time for defenders now that there is a fowards spawn.
  • Combined the flank room (room 04) and yard somewhat to make it harder to get by without being seen, but to make a more dynamic fight over yard and ultimately control over the final room. Should help defenders push out. Does create some ungodly sightlines unfortuntately.
  • Lower flank is now a one way drop down. You have to commit to this sneaky spot, and defenders generally preferred the high route. The Low Route was already the sneakier of the two and stays that way, but at the expense of no escape for classes such as Spy and Pyro.
  • Mid route into last is a little less cramped. Old way has been combined to make a rotate between Mid way and front way easier. Should help defenders push out maybe.
  • Removed balcony; Rarely used, requires more space to make a pathway up that I don't have.
  • Removed some bridges and overhangs all over the map so high skill rollouts are faster.
  • Added custom soundscapes
  • Added some custom exterior textures
  • Re-enabled some VVIS hints for better optimisation
  • Red side now has a spinny radar.