
Burley a25

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Burley a25

It's a kind of Tabacco

cp_burial but de-weened to normal.

Layout - MegapiemanPHD
Stepvan, Ford A Series - Krazyzark
First release
Last update
Capture Points

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Latest updates

  1. Adjustable Rate Mortgages

    -moved around some stuff at B -moved around cover and routes at C -lowered cap time for C -raised respawn time for red when defending C -tried to make roof between A and B more obvious that it can be stood on -added no builds to slanted parts of...
  2. It's just like a giant window isn't it?

    -redid A -rearranged blue approach to B -redid are between B and C -other stuff probably
  3. and YOU have to make a decision

    -added some windows to let blu see things better -moved around some corner geometry to try and make less blind corners for blu -added some cover to C -removed full ammo under A -pushed indoor route to A closer to the main path to make it a...