- Added chainsaw room
- Removed armor for non-proOF version
- Updated general clipping
- Detailed a few buildings
- Large parts of the map was artpassed
- Railgun and LG were swaped
- Roof area was added on the yellow building
- Mega moved to the grain elevator
- Shield was removed
- Various armor levels added across the map
- Medium health packs added in previously empty areas
- Cubemaps were built
- Clipped all rooves and made small ledges nonsolid
- Changed dynamite to second rocket launcher
- Swaped rocket 1 with the tommygun
- Areaportals added to each entrance
- Sun moved higher to make that map brighter
- Various small improvements

beta will most likely be next after some feedback comes in
- moved water tower to the other side
- made a new outdoors area that suits it better
- made all weapons respawn after 15 seconds instead of 10
- added new weapons; most notably a railgun over the crit bridge
- skybox is now packed in along with the map
- Moved the rocket launcher to the center path
- removed the water tower area in place of a shorter roof path
(the water tower will be back eventually)
- added water tower to jump around
- changed the routing to said water tower
- added wood beam detailing in certain rooms
- Kritz and health powerups now have longer respawn times.