
arena_saluto a3

I did things, I tell you what I did in the overview but you can have stuff here too if you want:

In A3, ive added routes up from the lower cliffs up to the med hp, widened the med hp, made the room half of the point more open and larger, added fences along the cliff, pushed back the wall at the cp and added loopy ramps so you can flank there and made the right side route less boring (maybe).

If you want pictures look at the overview duder.
really i have no time, i compiled without func detail. quickly quickly quickly!
stuff should be fixed, not got time, packed and some other stuff, no new screens not much changed.
Map should now have cubemaps.

did some simple displacement work to make the map less grey and boring, may do more if i feel like it.

Ill update screenshots in the op and all that.