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Arena_respawn prefab 2015-11-15

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Arena_respawn prefab 2015-11-15

Who needs a server plugin? Not me, that's who... not

People have been talking about this for a little while now, I did arena_sacrifice which is sort of similar so now it's now a prefab.

  • The point locks for 10 seconds after capping (alter the cap_lock relay delays for this timing_
  • The team that just captured is given a marked for death debuff that lasts for 2 seconds after stepping off the point (modify the central add_cond for that's timing (make sure the debuff timer's refire is LESS than the debuff duration!))
  • Each player us Ubered for 3 seconds upon respawning (edit the add_cond around the players for that)
  • The respawnroom skins into the ground after 10 seconds, that's what the nodraw door is for. This prevents players changing class after the round starts.
  • The small trigger brushes high up are vital to the gamemode, leave them be.
  • The three trigger brushes that fill my dev-cube prefab map are vital to the gamemode, they must cover 100% of your play area. If a player leaves this area they're considered dead.

This is only a basic prefab to get you started, it doesn't have all of the anrea_resupply features, there are no firstblood crits and there are no last-man-standing crtis either.
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  1. I was way overcomplicating this!

    Because I was working backwards from my arena_sacrifice stuff I waaaaay overcomplicated this. It now has native arena support, so: First blood crits Player counter on the HUD All normal Voicelines "No respawning in arena mode" instead of a...
  2. Temporarily removed while reworking

    Temporarily removed while reworking