Arena Moonblast

Arena Moonblast A3

Smallish update
-Doors are now closed at round start
-Doors open after 60 seconds
-Doors then close after another 15 seconds

-Rocket shelter now has an air leak 30 seconds after closing
-Will damage everyone until they are all dead

-Low gravity was turned back on
Alpha 2 Update
"Loud and Annoying"

New warnings 10 seconds before rocket launch
-Lights around the designated rocket signs
-Louder Siren
-New glowing entity urging players to "run over here or die"

New Door Mechanics
-Blast doors are now open on the rounds start
-A loud sounds plays when the doors start to close at the 60 second mark
-Doors close slightly slower

Other stuff
-Adjusted rocket launch timings
-Fixed rocket launch sounds playing again on round win
-New rooms in the rocket shelter for hiding out, you wuss
-Slightly tuned the launchpads, still a WIP
-Removed resupply signs
-Gravity changes disabled for now, They will be back