
alleycap b1

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First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. it's a beta

    Stuff i changed: -Lower side areas now connect to the CP via a tunnel -Higher side areas now have a doorway to the CP -Changed the courtyard area a bit -Added another small medpack and ammopack -Lightning is now less boring -Ropes! -(most) issues...
  2. more stuff

    A5 Notes: -Lowered point to the ground -Catwalks by the middle area are now smaller and have less hand rails -Added a small plataform on top of the point -Changed healtkits on the higher area to be small ones -Changed first set of stair on the...
  3. stuff

    A4 notes: - Sewer ramps are now wider - Worked more on the side areas - Added a one-way flank route at the top side area, accessible only to jump classes - Hole under the Control Point is now circular and smaller - Hole under the Control Point...