
Koth_Uphold B1

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Koth_Uphold B1

A linear map with many paths to make for interesting gameplay and strategy.

This is a King of The Hill map which focuses on a simple path which has many alternate routes, allowing for interesting strategy and gameplay.

This map is more difficult for snipers, and engineers. There isn't any one spot for you sentry, and there isn't any one spot to snipe from.

Hopefully you enjoy this map, criticism is always appreciated.

- iSlime

P.S: There is a singular custom texture. If it doesn't put itself in the map, put the texture in C:/STEAM/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/materials/custom . The alternate link goes to the texture download.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Uphold Entering Beta!

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  2. Alpha 7: Night Update

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