
PL Manngrove rc

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L1: Registered
Apr 5, 2010
played this a couple of times. 2nd point is almost impossible sometimes, nearly every other point it feels like the enemy must be locked in their spawn and you're just pushing the cart through an empty map. might be the spawns or that it's too hard to build a sentry, but apart from the 2nd point and the finale (which is much, much easier than the 2nd), i've almost never seen any resistance at all in this map.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Alot of that has to due with the newness of the map. Its pretty true across the board that defense (red in this case. RC5 saw a two big changes that tip the fight for point 2 in blus favor pretty heavily I know that a lot of communities have been using RC4 which didn't have the two major game play changes. Do you happen to know if you were playing RC4 or RC5?
Oct 6, 2008
Gate off the staircase when the cart caps just inside the main door - keep red from just walkng up and owning everyone on the 2nd floor each and every time they do it.

2nd point is impossible due to the 3rd floor with an organized red team on a 32 player server - 8 engies up there = no win for blue = I've just wasted x minutes of my time if I'm on blue. I have recently found myself going to another server for x minutes when this map comes onto the rotation because of this.

It's the map balance issue and it's the hardest thing for us mappers to accomplish. If one side can totally dominate the other and do it consistently, then it's no fun for those who are getting owned consistently - they end up leaving your map. Sure I like a good fight now and then - it's what we all try to get on our maps - but to fight a never ending battle that you're never going to win? No thanks.

Hope it helps.


L1: Registered
Jan 27, 2012
I run this map in rotation on a 26 player server. The 2nd point is a significant struggle to cap.

The major ideas that have been requested have been some forms of easing BLUs advance, by either blocking RED off from advancing, or allowing BLU another path through from spawn (one way gated or similar).

I personally love the map. I am impressed by how good it all looks, and for the most part, how well it plays. There are just a few choke points that are far too tough to pass for BLU.

(Keep in mind, the server is significantly modded. 100% crits and the ability for multiple engi buildings means you shouldn't balance for my needs, balance for a more vanilla setup)


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Thanks for your comments. I have been extremely busy with a new job and haven't been able to finish up RC6 quite yet (I know its been awhile). There is an added path for blue in point 2 that I have been testing which should slightly adjust the balance, but overall it still has a blue winning. However statistically the map is proving to be pretty well balanced with a 49% blu, 51% red on my server and 48% blu, 52% red on ducksoupgamings stats.

Thanks again for your comments.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
I run this map in rotation on a 26 player server. The 2nd point is a significant struggle to cap.

The major ideas that have been requested have been some forms of easing BLUs advance, by either blocking RED off from advancing, or allowing BLU another path through from spawn (one way gated or similar).

I personally love the map. I am impressed by how good it all looks, and for the most part, how well it plays. There are just a few choke points that are far too tough to pass for BLU.

(Keep in mind, the server is significantly modded. 100% crits and the ability for multiple engi buildings means you shouldn't balance for my needs, balance for a more vanilla setup)

Whats your server information? I would be happy to come play test sometime. Do you keep stats?


L1: Registered
Jan 27, 2012
Server IP:

Keep in mind, this server is hosted in Australia. I do not know where you are from, but it may be hard for you to have a reliable and fun time whilst playing.


Map stats:

Our forums are located at if you want to interact with players without joining the server (Our TF2 server suggestion thread is incredibly active, and if you poked your head in and asked around, people would happily give you direct feedback).


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Thanks for the feedback. I did check the forums. I would be happy to join you guys sometime soon to play with you and get direct feedback from the players.

Ive worked with Crit Sandvich Network and Ducksoup Gaming to do similar gamedays, and I would love to do the same again with you. Just let me know when. Hope to hear from you soon.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Congratulations on your new game release.

If you want to make a thread talking about it and posting the links in our Games Talk subforum, you might get some people to start chatting about it.

Cool. Thanks. Should have probably started there. :D
Last edited:
Oct 6, 2008
I am toying with the idea of a new hallway between point 1 and 2.


just provide a couple of alternate paths


close off some of the access points to red via gates that close "on pass"

It's a real pain in the ass to keep having to fight red on the 2nd floor above the main gate when their access to that floor should be cut off or limited so that red has to run accross the bridge to get there instead of just running up that staircase. This is by far the easiest fix you to do for 100% improvement for the game play.

It's a little rediculous to have the cart turning the corner and stll have the main battle happening back at the main gate to the building - once blue has capped it they should have capped it.

By doing this you force red and blue to be having the big battle back at the corner where the cart is instead of the main gate.

You could elonggate the stair case area so it's longer path to the stairs (but still gate it off) and then it gives room for red engies to build their gear in there. Then they could teleport in to have the fight and still cause havoc near the main gate and alternatively - if blue can take that area it can help them take that corner - blue teleports into battle faster can get better defences up - forces red to attack blue not just defend the point. Gives both red and blue a reason to control that area using engines instead of them all building in the attic.

But most importantly - it keeps the pressure up on both teams to be fighing near the cart - wehre it should be.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Thanks for your feedback. Most of the matches I can see are showing great gameplay, but that being said I cant see every match and dont see many with more than 24 players in them.


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2011
Kill_the_bug where are you normally playing Manngrove? Perhaps I can join you and you can elaborate further.