Mapping Contest #7: Payload (Dynamic element)


L3: Member
Jan 15, 2012
Well, I'm new to this whole competitive mapping thing. I'm giving it a shot though. I have an idea, and from what i managed to create today, i think it will work.


L1: Registered
Jan 24, 2010
I just noticed this and I'm trying to decide if I want to give it a shot. I always try something new with each map so I think for this it would have to be designing the map for optimization while creating the map. Thus building the map to incorporate hint and skips into the map without feeling like my brain is bleeding.

I also have a lot of weird ideas that I probably won't incorporate, like blue starting a runaway bomb cart that red must stop, thus blue is attacking to make sure that red don't stop the car and red is trying to defend by stopping the cart. Would be a very interesting dynamic but I doubt I could get away with that.

Another was an old idea of using another vehicle as the car, like a truck, that failed so I'll leave that one there for someone.

And that is all I'm sharing. I did have another I would love to share but I suddenly have a feeling it would make an awesome payload map that would be very dynamic. All I must ask is, would it be allowed to have capture points for red to, say, add a diversion for blue? Switch the tracks or something.

Would that be too weird?

What I'm envisioning is fully optional for red to help improve their defense but if they wish they can just play the map as is.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
The contest just popped up on the main TF2 site's news section.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
First :D


Gonna start designing tomorrow! :D

... So how's that coming for you?

2:51 PM - E² Teh Stickles: (can't believe i've alreayd missed like a month of this contest)

EDIT: @PMA... it's there because I asked for it.
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L1: Registered
Jan 27, 2012
You mention cloning the cart as a possibility. Does the TF2 Hud support this? Wouldn't there be an issue of displaying 2 cart's separate progresses for the same team?


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
You mention cloning the cart as a possibility. Does the TF2 Hud support this? Wouldn't there be an issue of displaying 2 cart's separate progresses for the same team?

It's more or less a joke, I don't expect anyone to try that, because as you mentioned, it's not really supported.
But you're welcome to try... I guess?

xMindl3ss Sou1x

L1: Registered
Jan 31, 2012
ok i would like to enter but it would be my first map design i was wondering what i would have to do in order to desing my map


L2: Junior Member
May 13, 2009
...i was wondering what i would have to do in order to desing my map

There is some downloading, reading and drawing required. (Or so I hear, I am not very good at this.)

ABS's Ultimate Mapping Pack
More on the link, but this is helpful for creating your map in Hammer.

Grazr's must-reads:
Scale and Your Map
Stairs and Your Map
Roofs and Your Map
Immersion and Your Map
Layout and Your A/D Map
Base Facades and Your Map
Objectives and Your Map
Eliminating Dark Rooms

Most people tend to draw up a rough sketch of their map so they can identify where the stuff actually happens.

It may seem like a lot, but ignoring that stuff could make your first map turn out like mine (broken and ridiculed).

Anything else I may have missed (myself in reading/doing or listing)?


L1: Registered
Jan 7, 2012
I'm giving this a shot. I started being interested in trying TF2 mapping shortly after this contest started, and since I was thinking of making a PL map this is perfect. No guarantee at all that it will ever see the light of day due to life's other commitments, but it's been a lot of fun so far. I'm probably being waaay too ambitious for my first map, but hey, I wouldn't be a beginner if I knew my limits, haha.


L2: Junior Member
May 13, 2009
No guarantee at all that it will ever see the light of day due to life's other commitments, but it's been a lot of fun so far. I'm probably being waaay too ambitious for my first map, but hey, I wouldn't be a beginner if I knew my limits, haha.

Sound like me and my first map (it was real bad).
But submit the map anyway.
I know that my map won't win any prizes, but to get feedback and discussion on my map is my goal.


L666: ])oo]v[
Jul 22, 2009
I'm giving this a shot. I started being interested in trying TF2 mapping shortly after this contest started, and since I was thinking of making a PL map this is perfect. No guarantee at all that it will ever see the light of day due to life's other commitments, but it's been a lot of fun so far. I'm probably being waaay too ambitious for my first map, but hey, I wouldn't be a beginner if I knew my limits, haha.

as long as you show us what you're doing and not submit an untested final map in the last day, you'll be fine :p


L1: Registered
Feb 1, 2012
Well, I've already got the idea, so I'm going to enter!

This "new dynamic" that I have in mind is a complicated one, but one that I think has never been used before. And certainly one that will increase the replay value of the map. However, I have no idea how I would even begin to pull it off.

That being said, my question to the staff is: Is it against the rules to contact a mapper a VALVe and ask how to make a certain set of logic/math entities create a given function? I would be doing the work, they would just be telling me how to make it happen.
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Back from the dead (again)
Apr 25, 2009
That being said, my question to the staff is: Is it against the rules to contact a mapper a VALVe and ask how to make a certain set of logic/math entities create a given function? I would be doing the work, they would just be telling me how to make it happen.

You could always ask Boojum, he's kind of better than Valve...


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Well, I've already got the idea, so I'm going to enter!

This "new dynamic" that I have in mind is a complicated one, but one that I think has never been used before. And certainly one that will increase the replay value of the map. However, I have no idea how I would even begin to pull it off.

That being said, my question to the staff is: Is it against the rules to contact a mapper a VALVe and ask how to make a certain set of logic/math entities create a given function? I would be doing the work, they would just be telling me how to make it happen.

Asking for help is not against the rules, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if you're going to send a tutorial request to valve...